About Me

Hi! My name is Hillary, and I'm in your internet!

I didn't used to be in the internet. I spent a lot of years on a stage, and a few years working for a Mouse, and more than a few years trying to make moving pictures. But then I realized that these things didn't quite do it for me, that they weren't speakin' my language.

So I've decided to learn a different language.

Despite being a math and science whiz growing up, my passion was for the theater. Performing on stage was my greatest love, but I knew by age sixteen how unreliable and potentially heartbreaking a career in the performing arts could and probably would be. After seeing a Discovery Channel special on movie special effects at age 12, I had become fascinated with filmmaking, having been an avid camcorderist since the age of 3. Being an actor wouldn't be stable or sustainable, so what was the better alternative? Making movies. Good job, sixteen year old me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fast forward fifteen years and a Master's Degree later, and you'd be here and now, with me totally regretting my chosen career path and longing for a more logical option. And what could be more logical than programming?

So here I am, learning a completely new skill, and here you are, reading about it on the real live internet! I promise you've made a great choice to visit. But don't just take my impeccably written word for it, check out my portfolio for my adorable baby steps toward a new and exciting career!